2001scape Money-making Guide
In 2001scape, coins go a long way. You need them for training Ranged
and Magic (to get arrows and runes), as well as obtaining the best
Melee equipment in the game, and getting Cooking XP efficiently.
Coins inside your bank account are the one item that's always
safely kept on death.
However, unlike in later versions of RSC,
only a few thousand coins is really a lot of money!
At high levels, by far the most effective ways to earn GP are Smithing (especially Steel by mining coal and iron at the western Varrock mine, smelting on the furnace in Lumbridge, and forging swords in Varrock, which can be sold to the sword shop) and gold necklace crafting.
At low levels, you want to focus on picking up item spawns. After spending a while killing Chickens, you can move on to Goblins east of the Lumbridge river. Nearby is an Iron dagger, which can be sold to shops for a tidy sum.
Later on, you can re-focus on Dwarves in the western part of the Dwarven Mine. There's a bronze chain mail body spawn nearby that can sold for a profit, and the Dwarves also drop bronze and iron bars, which can be forged on the anvils nearby (if you have a hammer) for free smithing experience and extra gold.