APOS PK trip
A community PK trip organized by Ak Aaron from the APOS forums! This must have been from 2012-2014.

My friend Taylor (also known as "blood") was being his typical lovely self and handing out free equipment.

Nominative was livestreaming on Twitch, or something, I don't know about this new technology stuff.

This was definitely someone botting Darkwizards. They were probably using a script written by me, but hey, it's the Wilderness... That's a ridiculous amount of Nature-Runes!

My friend Harry was infamous for his many accounts, named things like HARRYBOTTOR. In this one he walked past, and I was curious whether he's PKing or running a script to kill the King Black Dragon.

I think I chased him back to the wilderness border. That's what you get for teaming me :D